Time is the only thing that we don’t have control over.

Looking back at the process of getting to my goal of becoming an Optometrist, I wish I had someone to consult with – someone who had gone through it ALL themselves. Over the years, I’ve seen so many friends get off track or take the wrong steps towards reaching their career goals, which ultimately caused them to lose precious time.

Time is the only thing that we don’t have control over. A great mentor once told me, that if you want to be successful, ask someone EVERY SINGLE STEP they took to get to their position. This way, not only will you achieve your goals, but you will achieve them without making the same mistakes they did. Hence, saving you time.

That’s why I’m excited to give you future healthcare professionals a leg up with my experience through the challenging journey. You can now sign up for consultation sessions with me, where I provide my expertise into helping you get admitted into your dream school – this includes guidance with personal statements and supplemental questions for any undergraduate or graduate school students interested in healthcare and practice mock interviews for optometry school admissions. 

Sign Up For Consultation Sessions With Me Below

Great practice, strategy,
+ support so you can

relax the nerves before the big day

practice behavioral + situational questions

know how much you actually offer

learn how to tailor your answers to any type of question

build a memorable + lasting impression

practice answering general questions

succeed under pressure

show your personality

feel confident in the choices you make

Personal Statement + Supplemental Questions

$415/3 Rounds of Revisions

Admissions committees want to get to know youyour personality, your goals, & what you will contribute to the field you’re applying for. Whether it’s for your undergraduate studies or your dream graduate program, I’ll help polish your rough drafts and guide you, to make sure you highlight your strongest assets.

Schedule it for the day you want to start.

*Must sign up AT LEAST 6 weeks in advance to the date of submission, can discuss if need be via email. Can be done sooner depending on how responsive you are.

*Can be for any program in healthcare, including undergraduate & graduate programs, not just Optometry. Shoot me an email here if you have questions. 

  • 3 Rounds Of Extensive Revisions
  • Written Feedback Each Time On Why I Recommend Specific Changes To Your Draft

MY PROCESS For your "Personal Statement & SupplEmental Q'S"

When we work together, this is what it’s going to look like


Your personal statement & supplemental questions need to be tailored to you. I take the time to really get to know your personality and your experiences. After scheduling your “Personal Statement & Supplemental Q’s” session, we’ll dive right in! You’ll need to provide me with some information & rough drafts. 


This is going to be super informative and will help make your rough draft flow better. I’ll guide you through every step of the way. We’ll go through 3 different revisions together where you’ll receive extensive feedback from me after each revision. Prepare to be told what areas need improvement and how to structure your thought process when writing. You have the final choice of changing context or not.  

Final Draft

I help mold your rough drafts to make all of the hard work and dedication you put in throughout the years, shine. All for that moment of feeling confident for when you click submit

Practice Interviews


You deserve getting accepted into your dream Optometry school. I’ll help polish you into a dominating interviewee – gain confidence by being pressure tested by someone who has recently gone through the rigorous interview process; get immediate feedback after every question & written pointers; learn how to structure your experiences.

*Sign up right when you get granted an interview (preferably at least 4 weeks before interview date); can discuss if need be.

*For Optometry School Candidates Only; can discuss other professions by contacting me via email here.



  • Milestone 1: Sign up for Mock Interview #1 [Schedule this 1 week out from the day you plan to start since we have prep work to do before we meet on our Live Video session
  • Milestone 2: Complete & Review My Magic Workbook of potential practice interview questions + background information [Take 1 week to really prepare yourself]
  • Milestone 3: Mock Interview 1 (60 Min) consisting of general + behavioral + situational questions via Live Video Session 
  • Milestone 4: Practice what you learned on your own for 1 week 
  • Milestone 5: Mock Interview 2 (60 Min) – to further refine your responses & interview skills with NEW & OLD Questions
  • Immediate Feedback + Constructive Criticism
  • Written Pointers After Each Session

More Mock Interviews

$90 / 30 Min

Still feeling anxious? Schedule as many follow up mock interview sessions, to really CRUSH that school interview. I’ll coach you more to really draw out your personality, solidify your strengths, and leave you feeling even more confident.

*Only to be scheduled after “Practice Interviews” session

*For Optometry School Candidates Only

  • Mock Interview consisting of MORE NEW & OLD general + behavioral + situational questions via Live Video Session
  • Immediate Feedback + Constructive Criticism
  • Written Pointers After The Session

MY PROCESS For your "Practice Interviews"

When we work together, this is what it’s going to look like


Your mock interview needs to be tailored to you. I take the time to really get to know your personality and your experiences. After scheduling your “Practice Interviews” session, you’ll receive some homework (MY MAGIC WORKBOOK). You’ll need to fill it out and go over it (no worries if you leave items blank, I got you).


This is going to be super informative and will help get your nerves out of the way. I’ll guide you through every step of the way. We’ll go through all types of questions with feedback from me immediately after each question during Mock Interview I. Prepare to be told what areas need improvement and how to structure your thought process when answering questions.


I help build your confidence further by asking you new interview questions and by giving you more feedback during Mock Interview 2. After each mock interview, you’ll receive pointers, in writing, on things you should work on more. Feel free to schedule as many additional “Mock Interviews” as you need. Soon, you’ll be relaxed and ready to show off your amazing interview skills!


Galia H.

Working with Dr. Honarchian was the best decision I have made throughout the entire application process. Having someone that personally/professionally knows the process and guides you through was what I needed to stay focused and write my personal statement successfully. I was very nervous about my actual interview day, and mock interviews helped me practice my weak areas, and Dr. Honarchian was helpful in pushing me to stay on top of my game for my actual interview. She will have you repeat and practice and will give you advice on how to make improvements until you don’t second guess yourself when answering the questions. I would recommend it to other students because not only you want to impress your school of choice with your personality, hard work and achievements, but also want to learn how to sound and appear like a professional and stand out, and Dr. Honarchian is the right individual for that. 

CLASS OF 2025 // Western University Of Health Sciences // Optometry
Bianka A.

For the personal statement and supplemental questions, she gave me some great advice about the wording of my essay and we went through the questions that I was having more difficulty getting my point across. For the interview, I was mostly having trouble connecting my answers to why I wanted to pursue optometry as my career and why I would be a great candidate for their school. She helped me overcome my fear of public speaking by practicing in the mirror on my own and via live video sessions. I would highly recommend all students applying to optometry school to get in contact with Dr. Honarchian, because she is very intelligent and experienced. She puts in the time from her busy schedule to help out students and provides them with great advice. Overall I felt more prepared about the application and the interview process after working with Dr. Honarchian. She is very easy to get along with and has genuine advice for students to succeed in their studies.

CLASS OF 2024 // Western University Of Health Sciences // Optometry
Arineh I.

Despite her busy schedule, with her humanistic derive, she reviewed my personal statement and gave me feedback which provided me with the necessary guidance to make my essay more professional.  Once I received interview invitations from schools, Dr. Honarchian started preparing me. She took her time to explain every step of the interview process, and told me to practice speaking about my experiences in front of a mirror or in the car out loud.  This method gave me comfort and confidence during every school interview. Dr. Honarchian’s tips helped me hold a more professional conversation during my interviews, for which I received positive feedback from the interviewees.  Dr. Honarchian has been a huge part of my journey into the optometry field.  I encourage the future incoming optometry students to seek guidance from Dr. Honarchian. 

CLASS OF 2023 // Western University Of Health Sciences // Optometry


watch your skills transition in a short amount of time

be prepared for that dream school interview

consult with a professional who has been through what you’re going through

feel confident


Do you offer ongoing support after the sessions?

Yes, of course! I love to hear about how your actual admissions interview went, what program you got accepted into, or if you feel you need more help in improving certain areas. You can also always schedule as many sessions as you need. Feel free to shoot me a message HERE if you have any questions!

What makes you qualified to give me advice?

When I was a student, I didn’t have any older siblings to guide me into becoming successful in the field of healthcare, which we all no is very stressful to begin with. So everything I’ll be helping you with, is through my own knowledge and experience. You can read about my qualifications HERE.

I think I need all of the sessions scheduled. Can I sign up for it all at once?

Sign up for the “Personal Statement & Supplemental Q’s” session first, unless you don’t need help with this portion.

Once you have been granted an admissions Optometry school interview date, then sign up for “Practice Interviews.”

If you still feel like you need a little bit more practice, then sign up for “More Mock Interviews.”

Exceptions can always be made – just shoot me an email HERE.

I feel confident that I am ready for my actual Optometry school interview after the “Practice Interviews" session. Do I still need to schedule "More Mock Interview” sessions?

I’m so glad to hear that! My goal is to have you understand how to structure your answers & show them the real you, without the jitters. So if you’re ready for it, then I wish you good luck! If you’d like one more practice run through with new questions (or as many as you’d like) then schedule it here.

I’m not sure if I want to go into the field of healthcare in general, what should I do and can you help me?

Don’t worry. Everyone goes through a phase of trying to figure out the right career for THEMSELVES. You can download my Most Commonly Asked Q&A PDF at the top of this page that I specifically made for students.

I’m not sure which session to sign up for. Help please!

No problem at all! Fill out this CONTACT FORM and I’ll guide you in the right direction.

What’s your current waitlist?

Depending on both of our schedules, we can come up with a time that works best. Under each type of session, I made a note on how far in advance to sign up. Don’t wait until the last second for applications or interview sessions though (especially in high season May-October). I want you to be well prepared & not rush the process. If there’s a special circumstance, just shoot me an email HERE & we can work something out.

How do I know if I’m ready to work with you?

If you feel like you’re in doubt with your major for college, don’t know what route to choose in healthcare, have specific questions about Optometry as a career, need advice for Boards, need help making a plan of action, want to have a killer personal statement (whether it’s for undergraduate programs or graduate programs), or want to rock your Optometry school interview – then you’re definitely ready to work with me!

Does this GUARANTEE I get accepted into my school of choice?

My goal is to prepare you as best as I can for success, but it DOES NOT guarantee that you will get accepted. A lot of it depends on how well you prepare – your testing scores, prerequisite course grades, & extracurricular activities. If you need help deciding a plan of action to set yourself apart from the crowd, then I can help guide you in the right direction. Shoot me a message HERE so we can talk about which session will be best for your specific case.

What if I'm not applying to optometry school? Can I still sign up for the "Personal Statement & Supplemental Q's" session?

If you’re interested in a program in the field of healthcare, whether it’s for universities, colleges, and even graduate school programs. You can always shoot me an email here if you have any questions.

What if I need help with polishing my interview skills but I'm not applying to Optometry school? Can I still sign up for the "Practice Interviews" or "Mock Interviews?"

Shoot me an email HERE explaining your situation, and we can discuss a unique package just for you!