

  • Type 2 Diabetes // Everything you NEED to know
    Type 2 Diabetes // Everything you NEED to know

    Like you, I know a lot of relatives or family members who were told that they are Diabetic. While practicing in clinic, I’ve noticed a particular trend in patients who are Diabetic themselves. They seem to take it very lightly and don’t even know some of its effects it has on the body & eyes. I wanted to write this blog post because I figured the more our youth knows about it, the more they can help, not only themselves, but their own family members and relatives. With the holidays & quarantine, a lot of people have put their health on the back burner, so here’s a little reminder to get yourselves back on track! Here is what you NEED TO KNOW about Diabetes and how to take control of it.

  • Checking Your Eye Health // What it Actually Means
    Checking Your Eye Health // What it Actually Means

    Most of the time, when a patient comes in for an eye examination, they come in expecting to just get their glasses or contact lens prescriptions updated. After asking them when the last time was that they checked the health of their eyes by dilation or by retinal imaging, most look at me, confused without an answer. Today, I wanted to shed some light on what checking your eye health actually means and why it’s important. Also, linking some gorgeous workwear pieces for my ladies who love to dress up in the office.